Hi! I’m Graham – I’m a multi-disciplinary, user-centred designer currently working with the Ministry of Justice

I specialise in designing accessible, user-centred content and essential user experiences. I've been creating digital products and services in the public and private sectors for over 10 years.

Recent experience

I've worked with several high-profile clients in both the public and private sectors. A few of the organisations I’ve collaborated with recently include:

  • Project: Design a digital platform where energy suppliers tell Ofgem about improvements they’ve made to the least energy-efficient homes in the UK to tackle fuel poverty and reduce energy bills.

  • Project: Create a new digital platform to drive improvements to the UKHO data upload service to provide a better user experience for external users required to provide bathymetry data.

  • Project: Design a new online application form for victims of crime in the UK to send applications for compensation to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).

  • Project: Create the first online fraud reporting tool for the Scottish Government website, mygov.scot, designed to deal with fraudulent claims against Social Security Scotland.

Ongoing and recent certifications

  • Course: Service Design

    An advanced course for those looking to transition into service design. The course teaches how to master the end-to-end service design process as well as service design thinking; research preparation; analysing customer experience; service blueprints and more. This is applied to a real-life design challenge for a business.

    Status: Ongoing

  • Course: Service Design Online

    An online course providing a practical introduction to the field of service design. During this course, you’re taught the theory and basic methods of service design while applying them to a specific challenge. The course is carefully designed to give both an overview of what service design is and how it can be applied in a real context.

    Status: Complete

  • Course: Introduction to Service Design

    A three-part course designed specifically for professionals working in the public sector organisations. It provides an entry-level introduction to the principles and practices of service design. The course mixes theory, practice, reflection and action to give an understanding of service design and how to apply it.

    Status: Complete

  • Course: Accessible Content course

    In this course, you learn about:

    • accessibility laws
    • designing for accessibility
    • what accessible content looks like
    • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
    best practice for implementing accessibility standards in content design.

    Status: Complete

Key areas of expertise

► Content design

► User-centred design (UCD)

► User experience design (UX)

► Interaction design (IxD)

► Designing for accessibility (WCAG)

► Agile working

► GOV.UK service standard assessments

► Working in Government

► Working throughout product lifecycle

Let’s have a chat

Whether it’s to chat about working together, discuss a specific project or say hello, get in touch today.